All posts by Andrew T


chromacoverFans of all things cool should take note of new comics that just arrived in the store:

DISTANCE MOVER #7: “If you missed issues #1-6, #7 is the best place to start,” says creator Patrick Kyle, “In this new story arc Mr. Earth and Mendel set off to explore new civilizations, but are quickly thrust into a new adventure when the Distance Mover plans its own course.” For those of you who miss out on the fantastic subscription deal, don’t worry – Copies are available at The Beguiling for $5.

HOT DOG BEACH #2:  “Mop and Fuzz are on the job, half drunk and hungover, everyone’s trying to get to Hot Dog Beach but nobody knows what’ll happen when they get there, they just wish they’d get paid soon, or at least get something to eat…” Holy cow! This book is rad! The second issue of Lale Westvind’s Ignatz Award Winning series can be yours for only $6.

CHROMAZOID #1 & 2: Speaking of Lale Westvind, her Kickstarted anthology Chromazoid #1, as well as the follow-up issue, are choc-a-bloc full of comics from exciting artists like Lyra Hill, Robert Calzone, Austin English , Sakura Maku , Otto Splotch , Jazmyne Araya, and many more. Both issues come with a mixtape and mix-CD (respectively) full of original songs connected to the comics! Chromazoid #1 is $20! Chromazoid #2 is $20!

These are the hippest things right now on the market/in the store. Get them now so that later you can tell your friends “Pff, yeah. I read those months ago. Where have you been?”

Announce: In-store signing w/ Alison Bechdel

Alison Bechdel Presentation and Signing!
Author of Fun Home and Are You My Mother?
Sunday, December 2nd, 2012, 5:30pm-7:30pm
@ The Centre for Social Innovation, Annex Building
720 Bathurst Street (Just south of The Beguiling)

Facebook Event:

Exciting News: Alison Bechdel is coming back to Toronto! Not seen since debuting her fantastic memoir Are You My Mother? (the follow-up to the critically acclaimed/best-seller Fun Home) at TCAF this spring! Alison Bechdel is coming back to our fair city to be part of the inaugural Elisabeth Young-Bruehl Memorial Syposium on Childism. Luckily, she also has time in her schedule to swing by our shop for a quick presentation and signing!

On December 2nd, at 5:30pm, Alison Bechdel will be giving a presentation on her work, as well as hanging out for a bit after to sign some books and meet with fans. Seating will be limited. Bechdel’s TCAF event was delivered to a packed and delighted house, so next weekend is an evening to surely not be missed!

Originally announced as “At The Beguiling”, this event will be taking place one block south of The Beguiling, at 720 Bathurst Street. It is at The Centre for Social Innovation, in the ING Direct Presentation Space. This will give us much more room to welcome Toronto’s Bechdel fans!

About the Author: Alison Bechdel began keeping a journal at the age of ten, and has been assiduously archiving her own life and times with words and pictures ever since. For twenty-five years she wrote and drew the comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For, a generational chronicle considered “one of the preeminent oeuvres in the comics genre, period.” (Ms.)

Fun Home is currently taught on several syllabi across North America, including several courses at The University of Toronto. Alison Bechdel’s other various accomplishments include comics drawn for Slate, McSweeney’s, Entertainment Weekly, The New York Times Book Review, and Granta, and she recently guest-edited McSweeney’s Best American Comics 2011.

Bechdel lives near Burlington, Vermont.